Cloud Tech
Page content
Useful links for deep diving in various Cloud Ecosystems
- Cost of Cloud - Paradox
- Cloud vs. On-premise Computing
- Zero dollar Infrastructure stack
- Cloud Server Performance, Prices, Specs and Features
- The Cost of Cloud, a Trillion Dollar Paradox
- Why we are leaving cloud
- General Guidelines when working as Cloud Engineer
Articles (GCP)
- 13 sample architectures to kickstart your Google Cloud journey
- Using Google Cloud Spanner locally …using Emulator
Articles (AWS)
- Preparation Guidelines and courses for AWS Certification
- Saving egress costs on AWS using S3
- Reducing AWS Costs
- Choosing between EC2 and RDS
- What a typical 100% Serverless Architecture looks like in AWS!
- Automating safe, hands-off deployments
- Containerizing legacy ASP.NET applications using AWS App2Container (A2C)
- Replacing web server functionality with serverless services
- AWS Lambda vs Cloudflare Workers Unbound
- One line Explaination for each of AWS Services
- Building a Multiplayer Game with API Gateway+Websockets, Go and DynamoDB
- Best Practices To Handle Lambda Timeout Errors
- Save 99.93% for Lambda with Init time
- Architecture of SAAS on Cloud managed by One man Team
- AWS Costs that every programmer should know
- You should not be probably using AWS